Spider Island Archive

We Spider-Man fans are already used to outbreak storylines (see “Spider Island”). However, in the world of Justice League right now, the eerie Amazo Virus is running rampant through Metropolis. So, on ComicBook.Com I thought I would rank the comic book world’s five deadliest and most famous diseases.

Whenever I’m reading the newest issue of Superior Spider-Man, there’s always a few moments where I’m chuckling to myself. I’m chuckling because there’s a bit of dialogue or an action sequence that I just find humorous. I’m chuckling because I’m reading a comic book about Doctor Octopus attempting to

You’ll often hear me discuss specific themes and storytelling devices utilized by writers and creative teams that have kept me hooked on Amazing Spider-Man for more than 20 years. I’ll talk about character developments, or rich back-stories, but really the moments in comic books, and Spider-Man comic books specifically,