Monthly Archive:: September 2014

Edge of Spider-Verse has been an unexpected surprise, especially coming on the heels of some lackluster “special edition” stories over the past few months, like the 100th Anniversary Spider-Man comic and the Inhumanity Spider-Man tie-in. Whereas the Edge of Spider-Verse mini could have very easily been another cash grab

Welcome back to another episode of Amazing Spider-Talk, which you can of course check out by following this link to In this episode Dan and I talk the finale to the Amazing Spider-Man “Learning to Crawl” miniseries along with Superior Spider-Man #33. We also answer your fan mail

Dan Gvozden of fame recently had the opportunity to interview the “legendary” Tom DeFalco for the latest episode of the Amazing Spider-Talk podcast. DeFalco has a brand new Spider-Man story in soon-to-be released Marvel 75th Anniversary Anthology and, of course, has had an iconic career as both a

In terms of functioning as an engaging set-up for the upcoming “Spider-Verse” storyline, Superior Spider-Man #33 is a very effective comic book. But now, the question remains whether or not Dan Slott’s “Spider-Verse” is actually a story I want to read. Which is not say I’m debating skipping the arc.