venom Archive

For a comprehensive gallery of all of the images featured on Chasing Amazing, along with other cool visuals I stumble upon while surfing the internet, be sure to follow my Pinterest page. Here are some visuals from my Venom which are all images of Venom from Spider-Man comics and associated titles and

In what is clearly a play on Marvel’s year-long acknowledgement of its 75th anniversary in 2014, the company is publishing a number of hypothetical look-aheads under the guise of “100th Anniversary” issues. Beyond the play on anniversary lingo, these issues also seemed to be designed towards getting some new

When Amazing Spider-Man #374 was released in February 1993, it had been more than four years since Venom was first introduced to the world by David Michelinie and Todd McFarlane. During that timeframe, Venom demonstrated his full range sociopathic tendencies, attempting to murder Spider-Man on countless occasions (including kidnapping