Bill Mantlo Archive

Despite it usually clocking in as the “No. 3” romance in Spider-Man history (behind Gwen Stacy and Mary Jane Watson), Spider-Man’s dalliance with Felicia Hardy, aka, the Black Cat, in the early/mid-1980s is arguably more interesting in terms of characterization and complexity than any others relationship in Spidey’s history.

Chasing Amazing continues with its Reader Request November with a request from friend of the site and writer, Tyler Barlass: @ChasingASMBlog “I Cover the Waterfront” — Tyler Barlass (@TylerBGoode) October 21, 2013 Great choice Tyler and one that’s personally relevant for me! For a full archive of my

A majority of the Spectacular Spider-Man series remains my most shameful “blind spot” since the title churned out so many quality stories, especially during the 1980s and early 1990s. Some of my favorite all-time writers like Roger Stern and JM DeMatteis had extensive runs on Spectacular, but the title’s