Humberto Ramos Archive

Welcome back to another episode of Amazing Spider-Talk! In this installment, Dan Gvozden (from talk about Amazing Spider-Man #16 (vol. 3) by Dan Slott and Humberto Ramos, read your comments and e-mails and talks some recent spider-news like the upcoming “Renew Your Vows” arc. Now, you can listen

Before I start waxing poetic about Amazing Spider-Man #4, I thought it was necessary for me to mention that Marvel’s Original Sin miniseries has actually been a pretty enjoyable read, filled with some worthwhile twists and action. It’s considerably better than last year’s Age of Ultron and Infinity events,

Dan Slott notoriously paced his Superior Spider-Man series so aggressively that it makes an issue like the recently-released Amazing Spider-Man #3 feel quiet and methodical in comparison. That’s certainly a strange thing to say about a comic that opens with a huge reveal revolving a character from Spider-Man’s past,

For the relaunch of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise last month, one of the story’s many themes was how Peter had found a “new lease on life” after returning from having his mind and body occupied by Doctor Octopus. While that’s a somewhat expected plot-point for a character that has essentially been “dead” for