Monthly Archive:: May 2014

The greatest Spider-Man podcast in the world, Amazing Spider-Talk, is back with episode #2. Be sure you visit superiorspidetalk.com to watch/listen to this epic audio/visual event. In this installment, Dan Gvozden and I discuss Amazing Spider-Man #2 (vol. 3), and the epic Amazing Spider-Man Annual #1.. We also read your

I’m going to end Chasing Amazing’s “One Month,” with what is arguably one of the most important Spider-Man No. 1 issues (at least on a personal level) released in my lifetime, the “adjective-less” Spider-Man #1, which was written and illustrated by industry superstar Todd McFarlane. Keep in mind, when

For a comprehensive gallery of all of the images featured on Chasing Amazing, along with other cool visuals I stumble upon while surfing the internet, be sure to follow my Pinterest page. Here are some visuals from my Steve Ditko Spider-Man Art Page which are all images illustrated by Ditko in Spider-Man comics

For the relaunch of the Amazing Spider-Man franchise last month, one of the story’s many themes was how Peter had found a “new lease on life” after returning from having his mind and body occupied by Doctor Octopus. While that’s a somewhat expected plot-point for a character that has essentially been “dead” for